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Tuesday, February 07, 2012

A111 Practicum Report Format

The report shall be an account of your stay at the practicum site. You have to include the following sections in your report:
1.     Introduction
a.     Yourself  (10-15 pages)
i.     Passport standard photograph
ii.     Personal background (family, hometown, experiences, etc.)
iii.     Academic achievements (subjects, CGPA, academic competitions, etc.)
iv.     Extra-curricular activities (hobbies, memberships, community service, etc.)
v.     Your Mission Statement in life
vi.     Self SWOT analysis (at least one page for each component, so minimum of 4 pages)
2.     Company Background (20-25 pages)
a.     Internal
i.     Profile
1.     History
2.     Products/Services
3.     Research and Development (if any)
4.     Other information
ii.     Organisational structure
1.     Identify key players in all levels
2.     Departments
b.     External
i.     Competitors
ii.     Customers
iii.     Stakeholders
c.     Flow
i.     Materials
ii.     Information
iii.     People
3.     Problems and Issues (10-15 pages)
a.     Strategic issues
i.     Company direction/strategies
ii.     Problems highlighted in memos, circulars, etc.
b.     Tactical issues
i.     Medium term
ii.     Problems highlighted in memos, circulars, etc.
c.     Everyday issues (operational issues)
i.     Complaints by employees
ii.     Problems highlighted in memos, circulars, etc.
4.     Practicum contribution (20-25 pages)
a.     Identify one issue that you can help your company with
b.     Describe possible alternatives/solutions to address the identified issue
c.     Explain how you helped the company to solve this issue using one of the solutions that you identified
d.     Show the impact or results of that solution
5.     Reflection (10-15 pages)
a.     Toward self
i.     What you learned/gained. Memories of the practicum experience, such as scariest moment, proudest moment, most challenging moment, etc
ii.     What advice and recommendations you have for future practical students:
1.     In general
2.     For the company
iii.     What recommendations do you have for the company:
1.     In managing practical students
2.     In improving the company
6.     Appendix
a.     Your FULL resume/CV
b.     Other documentation
So, your report will be a minimum of 70 pages and maximum of 95 pages. Include photographs in your report to support your explanation. Please include any documentation/materials/evidence in the appendix. ALSO, remember that this is a loose guideline, there may be some sections that you have little information, while some sections you may have lots of information. Adjust accordingly. If you feel that you need to re-structure your report differently then email me with your suggestion.
For the specifications of your report:
1.     Font
a.     Body of text: Arial 11
b.     Header Level 1 & 2: Arial 12 Bold
c.     Header Level 3 & 4: Arial 12 Bold + Italics
d.     Header Level 5 and above: Arial 11 Bold
2.     1.5 spacing, 0 before and 0 after (see Paragraph option)
3.     No indentation, left and right justified.
4.     Tables and figures follow APA style
5.     No footnotes, no endnotes. All explanations should be in the body of text.
6.     References not required, but recommended. Follow APA style.
7.     The final report must be HARD-COVER BOUNDED. Follow the COVER specifications of the UUM Master thesis (refer to UUM COB website, post-graduate department), but the cover must be DARK GREEN, with gold letter writing. The spine must contain your name, company name, year and semester, for example: Faisal Zulhumadi            Rapiti Sdn. Bhd.     2000 (A072)

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