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Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Malaysian Money: Moment in History

This was taken from a Facebook entry (in the Malay language, and translated by me!), shared by countless FB friends:

"..History - picture of the Sultan contained in our (Malaysian) currency notes.....copy/paste/

share/like/blog/post/email/mms - keep sharing for the our future generations..."


On Malaysian currency notes, the face of the first Malaysian Agong, Tuanku Abdul Rahman Tuanku Muhammad from Negeri Sembilan, is displayed. He is the Di-Pertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan (same status as a King or a Sultan) from 1933-1960. Negeri Sembilan is a state populated by the Minangkabau clan since the 15th Century, led by the Malacca Government at the time.

[Pada matawang Malaysia, tertera wajah Yang Di-Pertuan Agong Malaysia yang pertama yaitu Tuanku Abdul Rahman Tuanku Muhammad dari Negeri Sembilan. Beliau adalah yang Di-Pertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan (bertaraf Sultan atau Raja) dari tahun 1933-1960. Negeri Sembilan adalah sebuah negeri yang dihuni oleh suku Minangkabau semenjak abad ke-15 dan dinaungi oleh kerajaan Melaka pada masa itu.]

When the Johor Government (heir to the Malacca Government) weakened in the 18th Century. the Minang people asked for protection from the Sultan of Johor. The request was granted and they returned to their place of origin in Pagaruyung to request protection from the Pagaruyung rulers at the time.

[Apabila kerajaan Johor (pewaris kerajan Melaka) lemah pada abad ke-18, orang Minang meminta izin ke Sultan Johor agar pemerintah melindungi mereka. Permintaan itu diperkenankan dan mereka kembali ke tanah asal mereka di Pagaruyung untuk meminta perlindungan dari pemerintah Pagaruyung pada masa itu.]

The King of Pagaruyung sent his son, Raja Mahmud (Raja Melewar) to become the first King of Negeri Sembilan (declared as Di-Pertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan).

[Raja Pagaruyung menghantar anaknya, Raja Mahmud (Raja Melewar) sebagai raja di Negeri Sembilan yang pertama (bergelar yang Di-Pertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan).]

Tuanku Abdul Rahman, the Sultan depicted in the Malaysian currency notes is the fifth generation descendant of Sultan Abdul Jalil, the Raja Kecil from Pagaruyung.

[Tuanku Abdul Rahman yang gambarnya ada di mata wang Malaysia itu adalah keturunan ke lima dari Sultan Abdul Jalil, Raja Kecil dari Pagaruyung.]

I used to remember seeing the following note (RM1000) and drool. It is no longer in circulation, and I suspect it is now a collectors' item.

Where's the picture? You've waited long enough... here it is:

1 comment:

farz zull said...

I love those old notes sir...hehe,collecting & trading for satisfaction was my new hobby, from papa's legacy...:)

do view it here,