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Friday, October 19, 2012

Part 1: BBQ Session with DPP PROTON Student Representatives 2012

Time:  9:00pm onwards

Date: 18th June 2012


Occasion: BBQ

Description: Finally, with the mid-year break coming, we finally organised a little cook out at the Felo's House in DPP PROTON. In attendance were the student representatives (both old and new), as well as the other Assistant Principals, the Principal and a few close friends. The idea? Buy stuff, get Mr. Faisal to cook... with help of course! The following are pictures or evidence that some of these students can prepare food... cook on the other hand... well, we shall have to see. When is the NEXT food binge, I wonder?? :-D

First exhibit, is our Secretary proving that she can chop onions... ;-)

Next is the gang trying to light the fire. Looks good, but no cigar... the charcoal wood is not lit. Looks like Jat is calling for back-up...

Here's the back-up! None other that our residential Assistant Principal, Mr. Hakim. Somehow I don't think he's going to help with the fire. :-D

Now here is a close-up of me cooking the first batch of spaghetti sauce. Mmmmmm... I can almost smell it already! :-P

Our fire-starter deciding to not start anything... except on the food. hehehehe

Peace Adah! Sempat lagi... hehehehe

Our Principal making an entrance... notice to the right, Miss Dewi eyeing the drink with a vengeance. She looks quite thirsty...

Meanwhile, the fire-starter team still going at it...

Going from bad to worse...

Principal Mazli's children are asking, "is the food ready yet??" Awwww... poor darlings...