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Wednesday, May 08, 2013

DPP TM Motivational Posters: The Series

And there I was, a little bored, a little stressed, and a little motivated to have some fun with some photos that were taken for the first two months appointed as the Principal for DPP TM, Universiti Utara Malaysia. As the title says, these photos were presented in the "motivational poster" format. Some of the words and quotes were taken from on-line sources, where the copyright was not clear. Therefore, this is my disclaimer for all materials that were collected on-line. The only copyright I claim is the pictures that were taken, mostly by myself and DPP TM students who attended those events.

Well... enough banter, here are the first two.

These photos were taken during the event held by my DPP TM students, which culminated in the cultural gala event, Melodies of Our Night:

The following photo was taken during the Kolam competition... with breathtaking results! :-)

The following second photo is the crock breaking contest (similar to whacking the Piñata), but instead of candy, you get flowers!

... and a nice crock hat! ;-)

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