Many of my students always ask me about "Management of Technology", the course that they are enrolled in. This question always crops up during the days when these students are just about to embark on their career after spending 4 years in UUM, studying the course. Personally, I think they are still unclear about their course because of the diversity of subjects that they have to take... which is our intention, so as to make them more adaptable and more attractive in the job market. The following is my answer/response to this question (translated into English, or course... the original text and follow-up comments from my acquaintances on FB). This student was worried about how to answer the questions "What is MoT?" in the interviews that she will be attending.
"...actually, you need to explain from the perspective of BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration)... the MoT course is similar to BBA, where students learn about accounting, human resource management, ethics, law, entrepreneurship, management, and others. So, the MoT graduate can function on any department, because they have been exposed to various subjects. What separates MoT from BBA students is the technology component. The MoT course also has technology subjects, and in UUM, the technology fields that are being offered are categorised into construction, manufacturing, information and communication technology, and electric and electronic. Then, you can say - for my course, I am more towards... only then you explain about the electives that you took. NEVER ever mention that you are like an engineer, programmer, or whatever job that is too specific, but if you are capable of doing their work, then highlight it... for example: even though I have chosen the construction field, I have also taken the data resource management subject and I am able of developing a basic database... so how ... is that clear enough??? :-)"
The original text and responses:
- Mohd Helmey memang terbaik.. memang benar apa yang sir faisal katakan tu.. pada saya mot nie banyak lebih kurang kepada bisness...heheheh.. sbb saya sekarang kerja dalam bidang bisness. nempak segala apa yang dipelajari dlm kuliah.. ada berkaitan.. dengan kata lai...See More
- IWan Marley En. Faisal Zulhumadi jawapan ni yg sy tunggu2 dari dulu.. xreti nak terangkan ape itu MOT.. trima kasih banyak2..
- Mohd Indera Asraf Asraf tq sir,,,,,,sy dah ambl 2 elektif dr pembinaaan....apa elektif yg blh sir bg cadangan utk satu lg
- Faisal Zulhumadi hmmm... kalau tanya saya, mmg saya bias kepada IT.... tapi saya rasa semua elektif memang berguna... cuba tanya mereka yang sedang berpraktikum dan juga sudah bekerja... feedback yg sy selalu dapat ialah ramai antara mereka terpaksa bangunkan pangkalan data atau aplikasi lain berkaitan dengan IT dan networking...
- Yaa Miyera saya tgh di jabatan kejeruteraan...g site...ngukur...mguruskan sebut harga, tender and ada jg berkaitan dengan autocad....
- Siti Aishah Isnin susah jugak nk explain bile ramaiyg tanye,tapi saye oke je, sebab MoT mmg spesyel,campak la kat mane2 pun,sume kami bleh buat..huhuhu ^^
- Faisal Zulhumadi Kan saya kata dah... IT... Tender kena buat kira2... Guna kalkulator kang silap, guna spreadsheet (MS Excel) atau program lain... Networking dah sebut... Autocad IT jugak.... Tu tak sebut database dan e-commerce/website lagi... Project management kena guna software MS Project atau Minnerva, atau yang lain.... MS Visio (Swimlane), SPSS, Pro. Engineering, ERP, MRP, ... Tambah lagi pening dengan program custom-made yang diguna di kilang2....
- Yaa Miyera btul tu en faisal...pening gak dgn tender kena kira2...gne plak excel....mjur staff kat sini byk tlg...autocad pon dah ingat2 lupa dah...hehe
- Alya Reen sye kene bg kelonggaran masuk mana2 seksyen.tpi pling sya suka seksyen civil, byk g site, then byk buat keje, kira2 tender,road maintainance & mcm2 lagi. nasib baik dulu de bljar ttg smua tu, skrg ni just kene polish je
- Yaa Miyera Alya Reen keje kite lbih kurg smelah...wpon dlm dpartment ada mechanical,elektrik, lebih pd civil..hehe
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